Tuesday, September 05, 2006

"What is your hobby?" That's quite the terrifying question for me. Everyone else seems to have set answers. One person in one of my classes actually said his hobby was "getting plastered". I, on the other hand, have absolutely no answer to this question. I literally have no hobbies. I once played piano, but I am no longer capable. I once played basketball and failed. I have no amazing talents. I win no special awards. I am just a normal person with no special talents.

"What is your major?" Yet another question I dislike answering. I've led Texas State to believe that I wish to be an elementary school teacher, which used to be true. I spent most of my life, from the age of 5 to 17, believing that I wanted to be a teacher. I was so wrong.

The point of this blog is to show that I'm having a difficult time finding something I'm good at. There is only one thing that I seem to be especially good at doing, and that is watching movies.

Watching movies takes absolutely no skill at all besides the capability of being quiet for a few hours, especially when you're in a crowded movie theater. One of the most difficult things to do is go to a movie with 5-10 other girls because it seems as if none of them can shut up for more than 10 minutes. Some people are "movie talkers". Whether they're talking to their friends the whole movie about things they see, or talking to themselves out loud, they're in a constant state of conversation.

I am not one of these people. I enjoy watching movies in silence, most of the time by myself, because my friends are normally saying things like "Wait, what did he say?" or "Why would he do that?". I can't take that. If it's a comedy or a movie that is supposed to be funny, I can watch it with friends, but if it's a movie that needs to be taken seriously, I have to watch it alone. All of my favorite movies are ones that I watched alone, which includes Crash, American Beauty, A Love Song for Bobby Long, Closer, and A Beautiful Mind. The original Star Wars trilogy recently slipped down to number 6. I'm sure George Lucas is heartbroken.

All for now.